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“Error Message” questions

  1. An error occurred when opening the Form Configuration File ( No such file or directory

2. I get following message: An error occurred when opening the Configuration File (formprocessorpro.cfg)…

3. I've uploaded to my site. When I run it I get 500 Internal Server Error.

4. When I press “submit” I get error message “Method is not implemented”.

Compatibility questions

  1. I can't see images on the preview page.

2. The "required" and "multiple select" "rm_Field-Name" doesn't work. Even if you have items
checked, it will not go past the error page.

3. Your script places HTML in the body of the email, like <html> <head> <title>Calculations Form
Demo</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">.

4. My form works fine but I don't receive any email message.

5. If I would like to add file attachments upload routine to my form and email, what should I do?


Form configuration questions

  1. My hosting is powered by Windows.

2. In Yahoo! Mail, I have to change encoding to utf-8 manually every time. Can this issue be fixed?

3. I can use either the Perl or PHP version of Form Processor Pro on my server. Is one better/faster than another? Is there one that is more reliable?

4. Server Side Includes templates are showing on all pages but the error, preview, and thanks pages.

5. Will your program run on Macintosh (Windows, etc.) web server ?


“Error Message” questions

1. An error occurred when opening the Form Configuration File ( No such file or directory
Most likely, that your base_path is set incorrectly.
If you set the base_path in formprocessorpro.cfg, your present setting might look like this:

    base_path =

please set it to:

    base_path =../folder/



If you set the base_path in initial form page (like index.html) your present setting might look like:

    <input type="hidden" name="base_path" value="">

please set it to:

    <input type="hidden" name="base_path" value="../folder">


    <input type="hidden" name="base_path" value="/full/path/to/folder ">

base_path cannot be an URL, only relative or absolute file path.

2. I get following message: An error occurred when opening the Configuration File (formprocessorpro.cfg)…
Please make sure that formprocessorpro.cfg is uploaded to the same folder as

3. I've uploaded to my site. When I run it I get 500 Internal Server Error.
Please re-upload again. Make sure that:

1) The file is uploaded in ASCII format;
2) Permissions for the script (755 or set executable for user, group and world) are set properly.
3) First line of the script (shebang line) contains the correct path to Perl executable (90% are /usr/bin/perl but it may vary to /usr/local/bin/perl)

4. When I press “submit” I get error message “Method is not implemented”.
For data security reasons Form Processor Pro doesn't work with method "get", which is set by default. Please set form method to "POST", e.g.:

<form action="......" name="name" method="post">

Compatibility questions

1. I can't see images on the preview page.

Most likely that you are using relative paths for your source files, like this:

    <img src="/images/image.gif" width="…" height="…">

To make the script work properly, please use absolute source paths, e.g.:

    <img src="/images/image.gif" width="…" height="…">


    <img src="" width="…" height="…">

This will certainly fix the problem.

2. The "required" and "multiple select" "rm_Field-Name" doesn't work. Even if you have items checked, it will not go past the error page.
Please try placing the <input type="hidden" name="rm_Field-Name" value=""> field behind your checkboxes.

I.e., checkboxes "rm_Field-Name" comes first then this hidden field.

3. Your script places HTML in the body of the email, like <html> <head> <title>Calculations Form Demo</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">.
If you would like to receive HTML-formatted emails, please set mail_format = html in formprocessorpro.cfg or in local form.cfg either.

4. My form works fine but I don't receive any email message.
There are two possible solutions:

1. Make sure you have mail_cmd and mailserver variables in formprocessorpro.cfg configured correctly.
If your site is hosted at Unix/Linux platform, please comment mailserver variable with a sharp (#). Basically, it is better to use e-mail program defined in mail_cmd.
If your site is hosted on Windows/Macintosh platform, please uncomment and set mailserver to your SMTP server name, e.g.
NOTE: if mailserver is enabled (uncommented), it overrides settings for mail_cmd and thus disables it.

2. Third party traffic is forbidden by some SMTP servers. This means that you can't send a letter to anybody outside your domain, using your SMTP server.
Please make sure that at least one field (From or To) in your email templates contains e-mail adress from domain served by your SMTP.

E.g., if you use SMTP server you should set “from” or “to” field in your e-mail templates to

To: [re_Email]


From: [re_email]

5. If I would like to add file attachments upload routine to my form and email, what should I do?
You should make following changes (marked as bold):
In your initial page (e.g. index.html) :
a) Change form data type to accept file attaches:
<form name="Simple" method="post" action="/cgi-bin/" enctype="multipart/form-data">

b) Add a new form field:
<input type="file" name="Attach">
2. In your Email Template (e.g., simple-email.txt) :
a) Add an Attachment directive to process previously uploaded file:
Subject: <your subject>
Attachment: [Attach_uploaded]
An _uploaded suffix for a file field name is obligatory.
Moreover, please make sure that:
1. attachments/ folder is created inside attachments form folder.
2. attachments/ folder's access rights are set to 666 (world write access, allows script to store uploaded files there).

Form configuration questions

Being enabled, mailserver variable overrides mail_cmd variable.
There are possibly two reasons for not receiving an email:

1. Please make sure that your mailserver variable contains correct value for your SMTP server in formprocessorpro.cfg.
2. Some SMTP servers are configured to reject mail from "third party" scripts. The following example is the best illustration to this:
Assume we have following parameters for the message:

Your SMTP server:
Possible sender:

SMTP server recognizes that sender's email host ( and recipient's email host ( are not of its domain ( This is usually a common reject policy for SMTP server that checks message headers with higher priority than sender's address. To eliminate this issue, please set recipient's email address that belongs to domain, e.g.,

2. In Yahoo! Mail, I have to change encoding to utf-8 manually every time. Can this issue be fixed?
This often happens to Yahoo! online mail with Unicode headers.
Please use offline mail manager (Microsoft Outlook or similar), since Yahoo! Mail support remote POP3 mail delivery.

3. I can use either the Perl or PHP version of Form Processor Pro on my server. Is one better/faster than another? Is there one that is more reliable?
It doesn't really matter what version to use. It only depends on your server settings. We noticed that Windows-hosted customers usually prefer PHP version however it is not a general rule.

4. Server Side Includes templates are showing on all pages but the error, preview, and thanks pages.
Unfortunately, you can not use SSI templates in preview, error and thanks pages.
This usage is limited due to CGI scripts features.

5. Will your program run on Macintosh (Windows, etc.) web server ?
We have a number of clients using Form Processor Pro on Mac servers. In fact, Form Processor Pro runs on any web server that has PHP or CGI extensions enabled. Nowadays, most of hosting packages include PHP or Perl enabled.
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